Myofascial Release (MFR)

Photo by @emmaandersonphoto

Photo by @emmaandersonphoto

Myofascial Release (MFR)

MFR uses a variety of techniques and assistive tools (balls, foam rollers, yoga blocks & straps) to target and condition the fascial tissues. The health of our connective tissues is essential for our functional mobility and overall wellness. The more sedentary we are the more at risk our fascial tissues become and the degradation of these critical tissues can contribute to diminished wellness and performance over time. Grateful Warrior Yoga Foundation MFR classes are specifically suited for those with any of the concerns below.

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Excessive Stress

Modern living, global pandemic, political discourse, and the list goes on and on for why most of us experience excessive stress regularly. Grateful Warrior Yoga Foundation MFR offerings are constructed to address specific areas of the body and also target rebalancing of the nervous system by using breath-work and Yoga Nidra to encourage a more parasympathetic state.

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Improved Athletic Performance

Athletes have been using foam rollers, lacrosse and tennis balls, acupressure guns and other practices similar to MFR mostly for pre workout body prep and encouraging recovery during various stages of their training cycles. Integrating MFR with breath-work and yoga Nidra can greatly amplify results and help unlock additional potential for improved performance.

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Injury prevention and recovery

Successful healing from injury or surgery is often relative the degree of wellness/fitness before and rehabilitation efforts after. MFR can encourage optimal tissue wellness making it easier to prevent injury (better functional mobility can help us avoid falling) and faster healing can be encouraged (targeting surrounding tissues to ensure optimal blood flow). Overall mindful maintenance of the fascial tissues allows us to remain prepared for whatever life might send our way!


Meet Nicole (The Grateful Warrior)


Therapeutic Yoga for prehab/rehab